Product Description
Sample Track and Lyrics:
13 Corn Mother (Ka-Eh)
Where the Corn Maiden lies, Under the blue skies,
where Dawa shall rise, to make us wise,
Corn is essential to our lives,
the men plant the corn for their wives,
Dawa is the creator of many things,
corn is also used for many things,
An ear of corn is used on naming day
and an ear of corn is heart of Hopi Way.
Back in the old days,corn was all they ate,
they probably never had to worry,
about gaining any weight,
Tsoots-mingwu is our Corn Mother,
when our hair is getting washed,
it is done by our Grandmother.
When the rains come forth, and fall upon
our fields of corn,
we can then expect,
a lot of sweet corn.
When our fields grow and become well flourished,
then we are fed, and are well nourished,
boiled kernels of white corn,
can be made into hominy,
ground kernels of white corn,
is used to make pikami,
blue corn well grounded,
is used for making piki,
when you make hominy,
you add sikwi,
After emerging from the Under world,
we were told by Massau,
to abide by the corn in this Fourth World,
Without corn our ancestors,
would never have been able to survive,
and without our ancestors,
we would not be alive.
For our Corn mother, we shall sing a song,
this will make the binding strong,
We were to never let our religion go,
without it our corn won’t grow.
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